This morning, during a long print, the AMS was no more able to feed the filament in the extruder. There was also a very strange noise coming from the AMS hub unit.
So I opened the AMS and discover that the small plastic part holding the Wheel assembly broke (see pictures).
Do you know if this is a known issue?
Is it possible to reprint this small part, not the entire internal hub, just the small part holding the wheel?
pictures of the broken part.
I have contacted support. They will have to replace the part.
But before they answer and send me the replacement I can not use the AMS. SO it is why I am asking if this small part can be reprinted and if some one is having the file.
Yes indeed it can be printed, but sorry I do not have this part designed, I would suggest you to try to design it (the whole part, including the four screw holes), also maybe you should lower the tensioner spring to avoid that to happen again.