Hello All I have researched this and cannot find the solution. I found a youtube video of a guy perfroming this action. Like in Cura you can change the Mesh type to change the settings of an individual part inside of another part (like screws in a screw hole. Strengthening the area.
I found the setting to change the individual part (thanks to the video), But when I select the part to modify by right clicking the part, selecting “change Type”, selecting “Modifier” (yellow), then changing wall number or infill etc. it treats the modifier as a negative modifier and removes that modified object from the rest of the print. anyone know how to get it to work as an actual modifier instead of deleting the area selected.
Strange, I haven’t had any issues with modifiers, they work as expected and the steps you mentioned sound like the same thing I do.
Maybe there is an issue with your installation and you need to delete and reinstall the slicer. Also, try Orca Slicer to see if it works there.
alright ill give it a try thanks
Alright so removed the bambu slicer and redownloaded it. did the exact same thing. deleted the modifier from the part as a negative modifier. Downloaded Orca. and it did the exact same thing deleted the modifier from the main body. Any ideas? I can send a video on here.
Ive made a huge mistake not the slicers fault it was mine. I Cut the part out of the main body on Fusion 360… Im an idiot.
Any time you set a modifier as a negative part, it will delete that section from the model.
Set your modifier, and leave it alone. make your changes, and it should work.
Yes, you have to be careful with that, fusion will always assume you are trying to cut when you extrude into a body.
I’m having a similar issue. When adding a Modifier cube or cylinder and changing the Sparse Infill Density or the Sparse Infill Pattern, there is no change when slicing the plate. The Modifier doesn’t appear to do anything. For instance, if the Object Sparse Infill Density is 10% for the object and the Modifier Sparse Infill Density is set to 50%, the Sparse Infill Density stays the same as the Object rather than changing to the Modifier Density.
I can’t seem to replicate your problem. Below is a square with 10% infill and a modifier (yellow) with 50% infill
When the plate is sliced it looks like this.
When you scroll down the layers you can see the different infill percentages.
Make sure that when you are setting infill percentages you use “Objects” and click on each part to change them individually, not on the assembled top level part.
Thanks for responding. I can do the same as you have done. I added a cube to a new plate within the same 3mf file. I added a modifier cube and changed the infill percentage and pattern. Everything works fine. It just won’t work on my model in the same 3mf file. Also tried a new project and import the model, cut in pieces and then add modifiers…get same issue. I’ve imported the model as .obj and .stl and modifiers on both fail.
Make sure the modifier is part of the model you are trying to modify and is not associated with another model.
See how the Cube (red arrows) has the Sphere modifier in it but the modifier is actually part of the Cylinder part? IE the Sphere is listed under the Cylinder (with the little green plus symbol) If you slice this the cube won’t have any modified infill.
You need to select and then Right click / “Merge” the parts on the plate together and then it will work.
I’m not allowed to post pictures for some reason.
My plate has
There’s nothing else on the plate, so I don’t think there’s anything to merge.
You should be able to post pictures now.
Hey all,
I am having an issue in slicer when I add a part modifier to change the infill to 100 percent (lets say around screw holes to add more strength). Wherever I add a part modifier, it comes through on the print. For instance a cylinder will have a circular line in the final print right where the modifier is. I printed a piece with a rectangular modifier and it added a seam on both sides where the modifier intersected the part.
I came from using Prusa and you could add part modifiers very simply and never have an issue with this kind of thing. You could easily change the infill and you would never be able to tell.
I have some screen shots of the slicer and I will try to reply with some final parts, but I can’t upload photos yet.
But you added a primitive and not imported an STL? When I do this add a primitve and then change colors where I want it works fine, when I import an STL (either exported to STL and exported as OBJ) then it works 20% of the time, the other 80% it changes to color 1 when I slice it.
I’m not fully understanding your issue. Are you able to upload a .3mf file with a part that has this issue? Pictures would also be helpful.
I was saying that the example you showed was using primitives in Bambu Studio and not an imported STL file? Anyway, my problem was that the modifier was not changing to the color that I set.
I ended up getting it right
100% Sparse Infill Density then change wall loops to 4, I think the changing loops is what I was missing. I am trying to recreate my error now so I know that it was the loop problem lol
Thanks for responding!