PETG Basic and PLA Filament out of stock


Just a question, when can we expect to see replenished filament stock in the UK store, not sure if the issue is the same for other countries. Is there are proposed date for PLA and PETG especially White Refills as im currently using other brands but would prefer bambulab filaments, and refills as my empty reusable spools are building up and gathering dust.

Update: Thanks Debonr, Technology outlet has tonnes of stock so ive gone ahead and made a purchase. If anyone else needs filament fast, then check out technology outlet :+1:

I’m afraid you’re asking the question in the wrong place. Bambu does not respond to any requests posted here. It’s like shouting in the dark. Your best bet is to ping them directly so that they can not answer your question there either. :smirk:


Thanks Olias - ill guess ill just watch this space! lol

try Bambu Lab Filaments | Technology Outlet best to phone them

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You keep watching , but not even the BL employees supposedly acting as “moderators” on the forum aren’t coming to often, and when do it, they don’t respond to any complaints, requests or questions.

Did you request a stock notification from the site ?

LOL, I’ve been registered for availability notification for the 4-in-1 PTFE Adapter since January and every bloody time i do get a notification that’s (finally) available, immediately i log in to order it, only to find that it’s currently unavailable (5 times now). So I’d suggest to contact BL directly through their customer support platform, though that doesn’t provide you any guarantee that you’ll get your answer any time soon. You’re better off buying third-party filaments from reputable manufacturers. It will be faster and you’ll get to complete your projects. Just saying.

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I’ve been registered for availability notification for pla basic and matte and get it.
both locally and directly from china

Yes, just thought Id missed the boat, but from all these replies I get it that they’re still out of stock. Thanks all for your comments :slight_smile:

thanks Ill try them, its only because i have orders to process in my 3d printing business but ideally bambulab filaments is great and good quality but ill try technology outlet, but can see this being a global issue. Do you think is has something to do with the discounts that put on bulk buy filament - attracting more customers, but not making much in returns as filament sells fast.

Hi debonr,

I know the owner, but ive gone ahead and ordered some petg refills. Thanks for the advice :slight_smile:

Why are those prices so high for filament?

When I can, I buy my filament from these guys in the UK Very reliable and consistant quality. They experimented with bambu refills.

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No idea. Maybe that’s how they keep it in stock? I don’t buy Bambu filament from them, but bought my P1s, Ender and other stuff from them. I don’t buy Bambu filament anywhere.


Perfect I will definitely check them out, thanks for your helpful advice on here :slight_smile: