PETG-CF filament now available in the store

Noticed PETG-CF got added to the store last night and ordered some.

Looks like a slightly different finish than PLA-CF, with a bit more gloss.

Hopefully this means some official Bambu Lab PETG in various colors is coming soon too.

This stuff is right in my wheelhouse of what I manufacture, so I’m glad BL is adding new filaments. I had already ordered and received several PETG-CF brands: CarbonX, IEMAI, ProtoPasta, and JAREES. I’ve also got some Polymaker PolyMax PETG-ESD which has some carbon nanotubes in it, but I’m not sure if it’s going to give the same finish. The first roll of JAREES was brown, which apparently is somewhat common, so I’m waiting on a replacement roll of that. But I’m finally getting my dedicated filament drying convection oven setup right now, so I’ll be able to get these dried out and start printing some tests next week to give some real world comparisons.

what percentage of carbon is in this filament?

Dont see the filament profile for this in Bambu Studio

I don’t know, there isn’t any info on the store page or the packaging about carbon content. It looks/feels pretty similar to CarbonX.

It’s not there. That’s why I’m tuning it right now.

Please post your tuned results

First prints so far are pretty good. Still have a little ways to go to get it exactly where I want it.

Proprietary part:

Spool winder part:


It would be nice if BBL included some printing recommendations with this new filament re: minimum layer height recommendations, etc.

As a newbie to 3d printing, I was unaware that for carbon fiber based filaments, you want to stay in the .16 - .20 layer heights to prevent pillowing and such.

In the latest v1.5.x version of Bambu Studio, there is actually a profile for the PETG-CF filament. Make sure you have ALL BBL filament profiles selected after installing the update to get the new profiles.

I got some issues with the top of my part in petg cf. Is someone knows what can cause that? I use .16 optimal settings.

Here you go. Had happen to me as well.

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