PETG grayed out as a selection?

I’ve loaded a roll of PETG filliment in the AMS but when trying to select it as my choice, Studio has it grayed out stating Only the AMS slots loaded with the same material type can be selected. Gotta say this doesn’t make sense to me.


It looks like your model is set to use PLA on the prepare screen. When you try to print, you will only be able to use a slot loaded with PLA as shown.

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No, I specifically selected PETG on the prepare screen.

You can’t mix PLA & PETG unless 1 of them is used as support…they will not stick together.

The model has been sliced to use PLA that’s why you can’t pick petg.

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So in the setup, I had selected PETG and am only trying to print with that filament. Perhaps I’m missing a step? The software doesn’t really seem to accept the selection on the prepare screen. I appreciate any guidance you care to offer as most of my printing has been done in PLA to this point so I’m probably missing something.

Looking closer, it looks like even though I’m selecting the PETG on the Prepare screen, the software insists on using the PLA (slot 1) no matter what I do. Not sure why it won’t behave itself and allow me to select the proper AMS slot.



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Do the filament types match between the printer and the slicer? I’ve had to go to the device page, select the printer again then resync the AMS to get them to match more than once.

I’ve tried selecting it on the Device page as well but doesn’t seem to make any difference. You mention “resync the AMS”. Not sure how to do that?

Try going to the objects selection and double click the filament selection then choose your filament there.


Using your picture as a guide, in the row that starts with what might be an icon of a spool then the word filament, there is a icon which might represent the AMS with a pair of arrows pointing left and right. I say might because I really can’t make them out without squinting and biting my tongue. :wink: Click the AMS icon then select sync or resync. I usually hit resync. I think sync is for if you’ve only changed one spool and just want that one updated. That way you keep any calibration you’ve done on he other spools. I find that studio regularly forgets what filament is in the AMS and even forgets the printer which is why I have to go to the device page and re-select it. If it’s forgotten, I’ll get a message about there being no AMS or something like that when I try to sync.

So I’ve tried that before and nothing happened. After seeing your picture, I clicked the #1 under filament and kept clicking. It finally gave me the option to select another filament slot after about 8 clicks! Not sure why but that’s one of the things that was confusing about this. I am finally able to slice with the correct slot and am starting my print with the correct filiment. Thank you everyone!

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I think if you right click on it, it will open the menu also.

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I know this old post, but thank you so much!

Thanks for this, helped me out :grinning:

WORKED! thank you. I thought I tried that but I did not click on it twice. But it worked for me.