PETG-HF seems to not be the first time Bambu Lab has eluded to speed difference in filament performance, the other times are TPU-95A HF, and Silk PLA, the later of which the page describes differences in sheen depending on speed and temperature. But with PETG-HF, all we get is a 'Maximum Printing Speed" that eludes to “given the appropriate increase in nozzle temperature” but there is no data, settings, PROCESS Profiles, or advice on how to achieve the fastest possible print speeds.
Via trial and error for several weeks I cobbled together optimal settings for Elegoo Rapid PETG, but I was hoping Bambu Lab would not make us go through all of that when they included this chart below with the promise. Anyone have any tested settings they’ve gotten actual increases in speed with?
I’m aware that the volumetric flow de-limits some of the already built-in speed settings in the Process settings, but why the opaque equation? How do we get the max speed @BambuLab?
Update - as mentioned elsewhere on the forum, selecting another filament with a different Max Volumetric Speed, and slicing - reveals the difference in speed capable with the System Process setting presets - it’s a couple of steps to reveal and is very model specific of course, but these are the ‘safe’ settings, overriding them is possible just requires tinkering. This is good enough for me right now. One thing that is telling is that Elegoo Rapid PETG after performing the Volumetric speed test clocks in at 24 mm3/s, and Bambu Lab PETG-HF is preset at 21, real world slicing checks differ by single digits of minutes.
So far so good - I’m liking it.