Pink fog camera

now I have this problem on my three X1 appeared at about the same time.
any suggestions?

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The picture is clear at times and pink at others? To me, that suggests a loose connection. I would first check the plug: Chamber Camera Replacement Guide | Bambu Lab Wiki.

I think there is another report here of a similar problem, but I do not recall how it was resolved.


People have been attributing this to heat, but these camera’s should be able to deal with the level of heat these printers generate. I agree with Ikraus, double check the ribbon in the camera module if you can get to it. I have a P1P and the camera module’s ribbon is a point of weakness and can easily be unseated just from installing. I assume the X1C’s are similar.

Be careful though, removing the camera is very sketchy. Its a one way directional sliding clip that can be broken fairly easily when removing. I still can’t remember if it releases back or forward, and I’ve pulled it off a number of times (and even designed a replacement).

This happens to me whenever I print ABS or ASA and, in my case at least, seems heat related. It goes “pink” around 45C chamber temp and comes back around the same temperature.

If I print anything else at lower temperatures the camera works fine.


Someone mentioned that a fan on the camera fixes it, so there could be a lot of truth to it, but I still think the camera module should be capable of 50C. So unless they went with a bad spec camera, there may be additional factors.


No improvement, after checking the camera connection.
I print PETG and PLA. the camera can work (or not) at the beginning as well as at the end, regardless of the material.
The camera can be blurred pink even when my printers have not worked for several hours.
It makes no sense…

the strangest thing is that I bought my three printers several months apart. and the camera bugged on all three almost at the same time

Mine just started doing this too. This is the first time this has happened during any ABS printing, so the temps in mine are nothing new.

Been printing abs here and no pink.
Anyone got a heatsink they can slap on?

MIne too

I filled out a support ticket and they shipped me a new camera module. From first submission of ticket to receiving the camera only took 6 days! I have installed it and done about 16hrs of ASA printing and the new camera is working great. In my case at least it seemed to be a hardware issue. I’ll report back if anything changes.


I have the same problem. Only seems to happen when I print ABS or ASA.

My guess is the camera Bambu chose can not handle the 90-degree bed temperature.

My unit is only about six months old.

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hi i am new to bambu and i received a p1s for Christmas’s but my camera looks like its a thermal camera. i put a ticket in but reading all the forums it looks like it will not get fixed any help would be appreciated

I have the same issue with the camera

Suggest logging a support ticket. Others with this issue have had their cameras replaced.

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This is correct. If the printer is under warranty, creating a ticket and sharing a few pictures of the issues you are experiencing will help our colleagues provide you a replacement camera in the shortest time possible.

Thank you, I will do that.

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