I have some problems with my A1 Mini. All of my prints have little holes on them, you can see those on the pictures below.
My filament is dry! I dried it 24h in a Creality Space Pi with a small lid opener, so that the moisture can escape. I also weigh my filament before, after 12h and right after 24h. After 12h it lost all of its moisture and weight didnt change after 24h hours. Therefore the filament has to be dry.
Now, when I reduce temperature and reduce retraction length, my results improve. I saw a post of someone on reddit sawing that there a phenomen called “pitting” which is very similar to wet filament. He states that, if you have too much retraction combined with too fast retraction, your nozzle could potentialy suck in air, which leads to similar popping sounds and printing results. https://www.reddit.com/r/FixMyPrint/comments/xpvu09/diagnosing_stringing_vs_branching_vs_pitting/
Thats the next thing that I will test, but I am not optimistic. Bambu has finetuned standard profiles for their own filament and printers and I saw nobody on the internet ever having “pitting” problems with the A1 series or similar. It always was wet filament. I guess all in all those standard profiles works for “everyone”, but why not for me? The issue got worse over time, but when I look on my very first print, I can already notice small holes and “pits”.
I am in contact with bambu support and they told me to clean my extruder etc. When I opened my toolhead I noticed some kind of oil, which was just everywhere, also behind the heating element, which doesnt make sense to me, because there aren’t moving parts or any other function that this oil would have. So my guess is, that this kind of oil gets into my hotend and burns like water, which causes all my problems. Bambu Support told me, that this oil is normal and should not be removed. But I never saw some A1 users that have oil in their extruder, filament sensor etc. plus bambu theirself never stated something like “oil your extruder gears” on their wiki.
I also noticed, that those problems not always happen. Even on the same print, those of more or less. They are often after layer changes, which would lead to that retraction/ r speed combination and not the oil theory.
Here is a list with what I have done already:
-Change nozzle: Got a new one from bambu, didnt improve something at all.
-Unclogged all my own nozzles
-Used hardened steel nozzles
-Dried Filament: Stated above, its dry!
-Printed out of a drybox/dryer
-Cleaned extruder besides of that oil.
-Cleaned build plate
-Cleaned all fans
-Reset to factory defaults plus complete calibration (did it 3 times)
-Maintenance for x and y
-Reisntalled bambu studio
-calibrated filament using orca
As you can see, only one side has those pitts. I used PETG HF in that case, just to demonstrate. PLA Basic shows same problems.