Recently I ordered some of the Bambu Lab PLA silk dual color filament (PLA Silk Dual Color | Bambu Lab US) and have had two prints fail due to the print adhering to the plate too much. The PLA is adhering so much that it rips the bottom of the print off and makes a big mess on the build plate.
First print was at 55 degrees without a glue layer
Second print was lowered to 35 degrees and I used a layer of glue per the Bambu instructions
No luck with either case, I had to scrape the print off with the Bambu scraper and even then the bottom was destroyed.
Any suggestions on what changes I should make here?
I’m having the exact same issue with BBL’s Dual Color PLA Silk Filamanet. I have a ticket out to them but it’s been almost a week without a response.
I’ve tried lowering temps of Ext, lowering and raising temps of bed, and doing a full manual Dynamic and Flow calibration to get K-Factor. It has made no difference.
Really upset, it’s kinda of permanently stained (maybe defected) my Textured PEI Plate. This also happens (although to a lesser extent) with their ABS Filament; sticking really firm, leaving an imprint, but scrubbing with alcohol gets it off.
Note: I had no issues with Overture Multi-Color PLA Silk.
I heard back from them, and they said that the Dual Silk PLA sticks more than regular PLA; more like PETG. They suggested using a Glue Stick or Liquid Glue, not for improved adhesion but to act as an additional layer. It could be worth trying for you since it’s a similar concept to what you are doing with the additional black PLA on the bottom surface (just an additional surface). Keep reading, though; I got it solved with two possible things for you to look at/try…
I think I have reached the bottom of the issue. After our last exchanges, I tried to use a Generic Filament Profile instead of the auto-scanned/applied BBL Filament Profile, and I was getting much better results, but still not perfect.
But I don’t think that there is an actual issue with the BBL auto-selected profile. While I was doing something inside the printer, I noticed that right underneath all 3 lead screws (so the underneath part of the top portion of the 3 main lead screws), there was gunk buildup. Although I had just recently done my first full maintenance, I must have done a bad job or missed this one spot, and as the plate moved up and down, it must have moved all the remaining gunk right up there. I think this ended up messing with the X-axis on the first layer. After cleaning, I went back to the Auto Assigned BBL filament profile, and everything is printing perfectly, even the Dual Color Silk PLA.
Interesting, thanks for the follow-up. I did try using a glue stick layer to lessen the stickiness but it didn’t help at all and just ended up making a bigger mess.