Plate Treatments (Tape, Hair spray, Stick glue)

What is the driver for using the various options listed in the title, and why.

Back when I was fighting my Ender-3, I tried tape, different types of stick glues (Elmers) and was not really successful with any of them, on that printer.

Bought my P1S, started out using the gold PEI build plate, moved to the smooth Bambu plate and from there to the garolite which is smooth but**

I have printed PLA, PETG, ABS, PA6-GF and going to take a crack at PC shortly.
What has been the driver for these plate treatments?

For smooth plates I either use Kapton tape or the liquid Bambu glue if the filament refuses to stick or bonds too well.

Just started using the new cryogrip plate but before that I had smooth PEI with hairspray, never had a part not-stick but removing them is a pain after printing.