Please add functionality to the Studio and Handy applications to show the current Z height during a print. The percentage complete and time left are great, and maybe I’m spoiled from using Octoprint on my MK3S+, but it would be nice to see that value. Thanks!
I just jump back to the preview screen to get the z height.
I’m looking for the current layer height during the print as each layer progresses. Am I missing something on the Preview screen that ties to the real time print?
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Which printer do you have? At least for the X1C since the last FW-update you see the current z-height of the print (not of the noozle)
I have the P1P, and current z-height of the print is what I’m after. Maybe I’m just missing something…
As mentioned, for the X1C during the last FW-update it was introduced… very likely it will come for P1P with one of the next updates as well.