Please give option to monitor multiple printers at once

I currently have 8 P1P’s and it is very time consuming using Bambu Studio to check the status of each printer. I can take up to a minute to cycle through every printer just to see if they are still running or to see how long each printer has left to run.

Please add some improvements to make life easier for people with multiple Bambulab printers.


I second this, it would be really useful.


Agreed, I run a small print farm that is growing and we really need support for multiple printers.


Bump on this request! Need a farm-oriented page on Bambu Studio

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Any new tips on this? We have two X-1Carbons. I’ve been opening two separate studio windows on a PC, just used to monitor them, for each and leaving it with the camera streaming for a few weeks, it runs flawlessly. I push prints from a different computer, and it picks up the new print on the monitoring machine without a hitch. We just ordered a few more, so now the test will be can it run 5-10 windows at a time. Also, would love to be able push the same print to all and manage in one window. Maybe one day. Just wanted to share as I haven’t found nearly enough posts on this topic.


actually +2 since my wife would want to see me more often and I cannot because I need to jump from printer
or +7 because I have 7 P1Ps

Another +1 for this - it is great to be able to view printer status in Bambu Studio, but with 5 X1Cs now and more expected in the future, it gets time consuming to keep switching between them 1 by 1 to check on my prints. I would love a page that shows the whole farm at a glance.

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On Mac, you can open up multiple application windows and monitor multiple printers.

I agree it would be nice to have a tiled view of all printers, like a security camera screen.

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Agreed it would be fantastic if there was a printer dashboard display under devices on studio and handy.

All it would need to do is have an overview of what each printer is doing and how long they have left to print.

Hopefully it’s something in the pipeline

I submitted a feature request to list the printers on the left side of the devices page and get rid of the other tabs, as that info can be put on the same device status pane.

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Come on Bambulabs, I am faster restarting printjobs on my phone than on my PC. And I do this about 40x a day. Pain in the neck!

With 4 X1Cs and 2 P1Ss that run basically 24/7, it would be amazing to be able to view them all tiled in one view. I don’t need to be able to monitor the cameras all at once, just the job statuses. Please implement this!

Please! I’m running multiple instances of Bambu studio for my printers and it makes my computer very slow. It would be amazing to control multiple printers in one instance.

This is very much needed.

I miss octofarm for this reason, used it with my 10 Vypers with OctoPrint.

A dashboard in studio would be nice or even an external application we could containerize and view from a local webpage…
You could have basics like a screenshot of the print at time of loading dashboard and standard print information, status, percent, temps, time left, etc.

Great supporter

Alone an overview, where I can see all printers, which status they have and how long they still print would be useful.

Some push notifications don’t come through for me either. Then the printer sometimes stands for several hours with a heated print bed because the AMS has an error.

I’d really love if Bambu exposed their APIs for users to access, at least selected APIs, so that we could do things like have scripts manage a printer farm or integrate ‘upload gcode to a printer’ into other slicers. Or at least script BambuStudio. For example, for other printers I can use software to generate files to print, slice them, and send them to the printer to print, so I can blast through massive print jobs just by removing prints as they complete and clicking a button to tell the system the printer is available.

3DQue - Automation for 3D Printers and Print Farms These guys are working on farm support for the Bambu Lab printers. There’s a beta coming soon. Worth keeping an eye on.

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Count me in! I also need to monitor several units :raising_hand_man:

+1 in hopes of keeping this thread alive