Please help me

Hey you Guys,

in addition to this post, i’ve written an other with more informations and a test series with the bed leveling process:
Bed Leveling Process

I wanted to know if some other guys have the same phenomenon like me and harryson2101.

until now this post doesn’t get noticed too much…

so, now to your considerations:
I think it could be like the typical Bambu bed warping problem:
the early piezo sensors from the kickstarter time were perfect,
then they had to get a new supplier to satisfy the demand,
and this supplier delivers x% bad sensors.

it would be nice if you could read the other post and tell us if you could see the “three areas” on your bed as well. if not: I think you can be a little less worried about the quality of your sensors.

in the mean time I also managed to get less the problem (that the leveling process fails a lot).

I don’t know exactly what of the things helped, but here is what I’ve done in the last time:

  1. disassembled and reassembled the nozzle
  2. disassembled , cleaned and reassembled the extruder
  3. trimmed the bed (at the lowest temperature I wanted to print (55 deg cel))
  4. loaded the factory reset data again

it seems a bit logical that everybody, who has the problem, should check the nozzle screws and the extruder (inclusive screws). because the extruder is assembled to the print head, and the nozzle to the extruder. there could be some mechanical issues if the extruder or the nozzle is not as tight as it should be to get stable values to the piezo.

so I’ve printed about 10-15 prints (55/70/110 deg cel) and didn’t get the error, that the leveling process fails (wish me luck :-P)

but the higher the temperature, the more samples the nozzle takes on the “bad areas of the bed”

keep me up to date if someone had the same issues or solved the problem as well.
