Bed Leveling Process

Hey Guys,

i have a question about the Bed Leveling Process,
it would be nice if you can share your experience with me/us.

my printer (X1C) has a big problem with the bed leveling process.

to better describe it, i’ve made a highly professional drawing :stuck_out_tongue:

  • the red circles are the 36 leveling spots
  • the white circles are the regions where the piezo sensors are
  • the blue/yellow/green boarded areas are just boarded to better describe my problem

when i’m printing on the cold plate (35 deg cel) the leveling process is like:
probing 3 times each spot on all areas (blue/yellow/green)

when i’m printing on the engineering plate (55 deg cel):
probing 3 times blue area, 3-4 yellow area and 4-6 green area

when i’m printing on the engineering plate (70 deg cel):
probing 3 times blue area, 4-6 yellow area and 5-14 green area

when i’m printing on the engineering plate (110 deg cel):
probing 3-4 times blue area, 5-15 yellow area and in the green area there is a special kind of pattern:

  1. probing 21 times
  2. bed drives down and wobbles
  3. probing again

this pattern repeats about 4-5 times and after the sensors decide that the point isn’t good, the whole leveling process fails and the print stops with an error code (e.g. (German) Druckbettkalibration fehlgeschlagen [0300 4002 225611])

so, what it’s like at your printer?
can you confirm that with rinsing temperature, the probing cycles (lowest 3 times / highes 21 times) increases?

Greetings and happy Printing

I also get a new bed from Bambu and have done several things to get rid of this problem.
Fully described in this Post: Bamu Forum: Please help me

This is EXACTLY my problem. Down to every last detail. I have done many tests with the temps and I can absolutely confirm, the hotter you make the bed the more it fails at the green parts. It’s gotta be a warping issue.

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I tried to make the bed-leveling work by piezo in my Voron V2.4 (Before there was the TAP sample).
So…the further away the probe point is from the piezo, the less accurate it becomes (you can see it takes less tries in the blue zone to get a stable average) So the zones are explained by measuring a square bed using a triangular geometry. For exaple the MK4 have the load cell in the print head…so they dont have the geometric problem. The Duet Smart Effector with strain gauges uses also the nozzle to probe while our BL uses the bed to probe and the Nozzle just to tap it.
The other problem and what brought me to the task of trying to bring piezo into the Voron was that the piezo crystals became increasingly inaccurate above 50 degrees bed temperature. I didn’t have enough knowledge to compensate for this problem, but the Bambu Lab people managed to make it work. Even if the printer needs longer in the hot state.

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thanks for replying.

Do you have the same effect on your bambu, that the probe takes so many samples at some points (10-20 times? )


honestly not…i hit print and it print sooner or later…so i dont wait and watch the X1 probing. and i use bed leveling only on first print of the day or if i change print plate…bur as i print 90%on High temp plate thats not often. just gave you thetechnical explanaition for that behavior as i tried to implement precision piezo in my V2.4 for a year

I’m having this problem now on my Bambu X1C. I haven’;t investigated it that to that level. But its sounds exactly like my problem.

No solution?

I’m using a third-party textured PEI plate and mostly the bed leveling fails (see pics below).
I’ve put a QR code sticker on the third-party plate to avoid the “plate error message”. If the printer is recognizing the QR code, it prints correctly on the textured PEI. If the error is shown that the printer did not recognize the QR code, the bed leveling is not correct.
How could this be fixed? Has anyone a solution to this (or at least can explain what is happening and why bed leveling fails resp. is so bad)?

Thanks a lot!

I shut off bed checking in the printers firmware.

Thanks, silver…but is this resolving the bed leveling issue I have? Not sure…

It is odd that the sometimes the code can be read and sometimes not. Same results on both sides of the plate?

Could the code location be slightly wrong? Watch the head to see where it is scanning, or compare to a Bambu plate.

I was thinking the code was mis-shaped or unclear, but if the printer can read through the distortions and reflections caused by the texture of a Bambu plate, that cannot be the problem.

If it helps, on both sides, the front left corner of my codes are 92.0 mm from the left edge of the plate, 2.9 mm from the front.

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Hi Ikraus,
I measured my QR code and indeed - it was 3mm too much right. I corrected and at least now at the first attempt the X1 leveled correctly. Will check tomorrow some more times and let you know if resolved by this little move of the sticker…