You are able to get up to 50 points each calendar month for rating print profiles. First, it doesn’t tell you when the month is up. Second, if I rate additional profiles after 50 points are awarded, will I get credit for those the next month?
If not, this is incentivizing me to not rate anything past 50 points.
Month starts at day 1.
No, the system will not credit the exceeding points.
That is what I suspected. Sounds like I will keep hoarding my ratings until each month time limit expires.
To my knowledge you can still print stuff and just not review it until the next month.
I always do that - make Pictures to get more points
That is what I have been doing, but it seems counterproductive of what Bambu is trying to do achieve (getting people to give ratings).
You could also give ratings and feedback for the things you print, in the spirit of showing support for to the designers, independent of getting points?
Where do you cash in spirit points?
lol yup, I keep an eye on that yellow meter before giving ratings because of this
we didn’t write the rules, we just play the game
I mean, they get the rating eventually. I rarely give out anything but 5-stars unless there’s an egregious error like it’s obvious that they didn’t slice it or print it but just put a floating piece of geometry on the plate with supports turned off and uploaded the 3mf as-is (and then I scrutinize the image and realize it was a render and then report the model) I’ve given a few 4s for issues that can easily be improved upon or a design flaw that could use a tweak to the CAD. If anything, I’d say verbose feedback is far more valuable than the star ratings. I’m NGL, when I see a 1-star with the single-word ‘issue type’ response and no explanation why they gave me a bad rating - it really is disheartening (edited out 4 letter words lol) I usually ask if they can elaborate or post a photo… these people who do this never ever do, I swear I want to report these people just for that - meanwhile others posting a bad rating but with a photo and explanation you can get really really good info to improve - these members are GOLDEN people, thank goodness for people who type a lot
What could be the reason that i only get 5 instead of 10 points for reviews?
It seems like my photos don’t count?!
You gotta be among the first five ratings in order to get 10 points: