Hi all I keep getting a blocked up poop shoot near wiper, It gets a bit caught sometimes and builds up and gives error message which stops print.The silver sticker inside at top fell off months ago and tried to glue back on which would last a week or so then fall off againg and its been thrown out with poop at some point. So is there a replacement you can get as not available on bblab site. Im fed up going to work or bed and it all stops until Ican clear and resume print.
For a replacement tape, we use a ton of this type of tape at work for things that need to slip or resist heat. On plows that fold minor flaps on cartons, on guides to keep cases moving on conveyors and forming tubes where the pull belts press the film into the tube and where the back seal is formed when making the kind of bag your cereal comes in.
I’ve not used one but these promise to help with the trap door. Top extension original and remix
I have installed the original chute extension mentioned and have never had a blockage.
Anyone recommend a good design for a poop bucket for the x1e?
A good one is reused small box or plastic container from the dollar store.
A fancy one… there are a plethora of models on Makerworld which serve the same function as a “good” one. They catch the poops.
I looked at a few models, six to eight hours print time, $5-6 dollars in filament, limited capacity. No, my poop doesn’t require all that.
Grabbed a nut jar from the recycling bin, cut the top off.
Holds a lot, easy to see when it needs emptying.