Hello everyone! I was wondering if anyone else is having issues when using Archimedean Chords for top surface pattern and internal solid infill. I posted this in the P1S section but it occurs on my A1 and X1C also. When I need to print cylinder like objects, I typically use concentric based patterns like Arch Chords for top surfaces and bottom surfaces. When I use Arch chords for both top surfaces and internal infill, I either get surface finish inconsistency at best, or at worst I get bad surface smearing. This does not occur when I use Arch Chords on Monotonic line. So why not just use it with Mono Line? I do for everything except Silk where you can see the internal solid infill lines below the top surface.
The Pictures below were printed on a New P1S with Sunlu Silk PLA.
Top image is Arch on top of Arch. the bottom pic is Arch on Mono line.