I agree, @SimEyeSee. Before I did have some issues with regions that weren’t fully closed, but had learned to mostly avoid them. This seems to be Fusion since old files now don’t work and neither do SVGs created with two completely different programs (at least in my case).
Autodesk has replied in the threads about this in their forum. It’s got a ticket number now and they are working to fix it. This is from another thread/report to another user that includes the SVG broken outline issue. SVG importing was freezing for that user.
“Sorry for the inconvenience caused & Thank you for reporting it. This is known issue (FUS-158616) & our team is looking for the solution.”
Hopefully it’s not a long wait but it’s in their hands now. Thanks again for all the help and suggestions! I think we’re done for now.
There’s an update over on the Fusion support site - this has been supposedly fixed and validated and will be pushed out soon. Posted there 16 hours ago by Fusion support.
And now it is fixed. There’s a new update to Fusion and I tested it with a design and it works.
Behavior is slightly different at least for me. Before I could have an SVG that was just the design elements themselves but could still select the “background” region to where the background was defined by the edges of the surface I had applied the SVG to and the SVG design. Try to select that now and it selects the entire face under the SVG bits so you can’t extrude the background now…
Unless you add a boundary to the SVG. If the SVG has an outline that will become part of the extrusion, you’re golden. If you have blank pieces already created (a clock face back or similar) and had been able to select the areas outside the SVG to extrude and now can’t, just edit the SVG to have its own outline or border and you’re good to go too.
Honestly thank you for rreporting that , because it’s been years that i have had to fix every single one of the svg i import into fusion ^^
Hey @NotUrTypicalUserName, glad it helped! I’ve found a few things working with SVG files that might help maybe?
The biggest surprise for me was that the SVGs have outlines for all the colors but you only need (and maybe only want) a single outline. After I generate an SVG I go back and delete all the extra outlines that overlay each other. The SVG loses all the colors but those get assigned back later anyway.
Someone here mentioned Inkscape and I checked it out. It’s very similar to CorelDraw but seems to have a better trace function and it’s free. If you aren’t already using it, maybe it will give you less segments?
Lastly, there may be a trick in Fusion to selecting outlined areas over individual segments. I’ve found that where I click in Fusion when getting ready to extrude an area matters and the highlight changes back and forth between selecting just a segment or selecting a region to extrude. Not sure if that’s what you are referring too but I can select either segments or regions/areas depending on what is highlighted when I click.
I’m not a very sophisticated Fusion user and never knew how to “heal” outlines in Fusion. I’d go back to CorelDraw to edit the outlines when I had areas that wouldn’t extrude and was able to heal some areas but never could get them to all heal on some SVG files. I had much better luck first deleting all the duplicate outlines/areas and could easily select what remained to see if there were issues.
But as I get better with Inkscape, it seems to have fewer issues and the test SVGs I used to see if Fusion was working again were from Inkscape and just worked.
Maybe some of that helps? It’s still a fiddly process but has such great results.