I tested your file and I notice that a few sections appear to have broken lines. The strange thing is no matter how much I zoom in, I can’t visually see the break. With all the files I have imported, I could actually see the break when I zoomed in close enough.
I will show you how I find the breaks.
Usually the breaks are noticeable if you zoom in and pan across the lines, but if I can’t find it at a reasonable zoom level, I isolate sections to narrow it down.
Here is the sketch highlighted. Notice that the two moons on the left are highlighted when they shouldn’t be as well as the little circle on the bottom right, close to the aliens chin. This means that there is a broken line or lines in those shapes.
I first tried to zoom in and find the breaks, but couldn’t see them. So I decided to concentrate on the circle because it is much smaller and will be easier to investigate.
I drew an line (I’ll call it isolation line) across the center of it. And hovered over the sections to see which section has the break.
The images above shows that the break is on the left side. I then added another line.
I isolated the break to the bottom left of the circle. I then made another line in between and moved two of the lines until I isolated the break to a small section of the line.
Like I said before, normally when I zoom in enough, I can visually see the break, but in your image the break wasn’t visible even when I zoomed in all the way.
I suspected that the break is at the dot where the two lines join, but even when the dot is not visible, no break can be seen as you can see in the image below. So I cut out that section and rejoined the lines.
I did this by adding two lines surrounding the joining.
Then trimming the lines in between.
I then deleted the two lines I added to help surround the area for trimming and then used the line tool to join the part I cut out.
I confirmed that only the section is highlighted when hovering over it.
I then deleted the isolation lines I added and then hovered over the circle to confirm that it is highlighted properly.
A bit tedious to deal with, but almost every SVG I’ve imported has this issue, and this was long before the latest update. I can usually find the breaks easily, it is only sometimes where I have to add those lines to isolate sections to figure out where the break is. And in my case after isolating the section, I have always been able to see the break if I zoom in close enough. It must have been an extremely small break in your case.