Possible Fusion Bug With SVG Files [FIXED]

Just a heads up for those who use Autodesk’s Fusion360 (I guess it’s now just Fusion?) and SVG files - it seems a bug was introduced in the update we just got that somehow corrupts the import. I get a popup message that Fusion can’t “solve” something and the “more info” link in the popup just closes it. The popup suggests changing dimensions or constraints but don’t know what it’s trying to tell me.

The SVG still imports but selecting areas frequently spills over into other areas. It’s totally unworkable.

I tried SVG files that used to work and now they don’t. Haven’t been able to find a workaround yet either. It has been reported over at Fusion’s customer forums so if you are having the issue now you know why.

There may be a workaround or we may have to wait for an update. We’ll find out…

That sucks. I haven’t tried importing an SVG since the last update.

You can try another format of SVG it’s not really standard. I export in inkscape svg and didn’t had an issue, even in the last update.

I’ve heard of Inkscape but don’t have it. Looks like I’ll find out more about it.

Thanks for the heads-up! Will give it a try and see if I can export from it.

Yeah I use SVGs really regularly, and it never works for me either :expressionless:

Hey @NotUrTypicalUserName, I d/l’d Inkscape and really like it! Very much like CorelDraw but free. Thanks for the tip!

Anyway, no joy for me. I imported some SVG files and they looked fine. Exported them out and similar problems in Fusion - just different errors and same error message.

So then I converted my SVG into a bitmap image and imported that into Inkscape so it would not see my previous SVG files at all and let Inkscape do a trace on the bitmap to export that as an SVG. Fusion still wouldn’t import it properly.

So at least for me, Fusion is dead for SVG-based designs until they update it.

@Zammer3D - it at least used to work for me. Like Sunday. I thought I had a design finished but spotted an error and needed to re-extrude the design today from an updated SVG and first thing is I got the notice Fusion had updated this boot of it and nothing I did after that could make even SVGs that worked before the update work again.

Huh, that’s really weird…

I just tested importing an SVG and it worked the same as before, I didn’t get an error. One issue I have always had with Fusion is that the SVG lines tend to be broken at certain parts, so if I notice that some sections won’t highlight or they highlight multiple shapes at once, I need to edit the sketch in Fusion to fix any broken lines, so that I can make extrusions from them.

Is that the same issue you are having or something else?

Is it the same issue for dxf or DWG? If not maybe you could try to convert the SVG to one of those format first.

Can you provide one of your non working svg, for me to try it? I have really no issue with svg and I just verifdied that i’m updated.

while we on svg sorry for slight topic change , but when importing do you guys have big issues removing constraints that sometimes get added?

Hey @SimEyeSee, thanks for the interest. I’ve found a few things since yesterday.

I’ve tried SVG file exports from Inkscape and CorelDraw and both produce SVG files that import properly into other programs just not Fusion.

I’ve found a file that will sometimes import properly after a Fusion program start but so far hasn’t loaded properly when I try to put it on a flat surface to add color parts to a design or if I try to load it after it already failed. If I could get the design I’m currently working on to load once, I’d be done.

Someone else noted on the Fusion bug board that a simple file will import for him, just not more complex designs.

A person named Günther suggested unchecking the Profile box when doing the import on a test file I posted there but so far even unchecking everything in that menu but the grid (I use for centering) doesn’t fix it for me. As an aside, he posted a video showing it failing for him but he goes on to do a trace of some kind in Fusion that I can’t tell if it fixes the file or not.

It’s definitely odd behavior and very different from how the program worked before. As to if regions are closed or not, I have tested SVG files that used to work but now they fail the same way. I’ve also generated SVGs in CorelDraw and Inkscape now and inspected the nodes to see if they are closed and they have been. After the failed import, the SVG is still there and some regions will be selectable and can be extruded properly and others cannot. Seems to be a different issue.

@Henlor - I haven’t tried DXF format yet. Will try that and see if any difference. Thanks!

@TheBreadman - I’ve never had an issue with constraints before at least that I know of. Günther suggested unchecking the Profile box when importing the SVG but for me it’s made no difference in this. There is a Constraints checkbox in the same menu that you could uncheck but I have no idea if that might fix what you are seeing.

@NotUrTypicalUserName - I posted a file over at the Fusion website (https://forums.autodesk.com/autodesk/attachments/autodesk/962/198464/1/IMG_8968.JPG.svg) That one has always (since the update) failed for me on the second or other attempts to import it but I have had it load properly on the first import after a reboot of the computer and after a restart of Fusion. 2 successful imports with the rest failing saying unable to solve. All I’m doing is a bitmap trace to get a vector image, export that as SVG and then import into Fusion to generate STL files. Same results doing the trace in Inkscape or CorelDraw, though.

I just tried it, no issue, an error message that says “resolution fail”, or something approching, but no real issue after that. No error if I resize it down a little bit.

I can extrude it.
I tried it on different design, it just works.
Maybe try to reinstall fusion.

Thanks, @NotUrTypicalUserName but it failed to extrude properly in your example. It floods into areas that shouldn’t extrude as part of a particular component and prevents me from extruding them separately as other components. There are multiple regions in that face that it looks like got added together into one big region.

Since you got the fail message, that’s the first part of the issue. The SVG does come into Fusion. It just comes in weird with multiple areas all one big area and I haven’t sorted how to fix it yet. The individual areas are closed and should be able to extrude individually but they don’t.

I tested your file and I notice that a few sections appear to have broken lines. The strange thing is no matter how much I zoom in, I can’t visually see the break. With all the files I have imported, I could actually see the break when I zoomed in close enough.

I will show you how I find the breaks.

Usually the breaks are noticeable if you zoom in and pan across the lines, but if I can’t find it at a reasonable zoom level, I isolate sections to narrow it down.

Here is the sketch highlighted. Notice that the two moons on the left are highlighted when they shouldn’t be as well as the little circle on the bottom right, close to the aliens chin. This means that there is a broken line or lines in those shapes.

I first tried to zoom in and find the breaks, but couldn’t see them. So I decided to concentrate on the circle because it is much smaller and will be easier to investigate.

I drew an line (I’ll call it isolation line) across the center of it. And hovered over the sections to see which section has the break.

The images above shows that the break is on the left side. I then added another line.

I isolated the break to the bottom left of the circle. I then made another line in between and moved two of the lines until I isolated the break to a small section of the line.

Like I said before, normally when I zoom in enough, I can visually see the break, but in your image the break wasn’t visible even when I zoomed in all the way.

I suspected that the break is at the dot where the two lines join, but even when the dot is not visible, no break can be seen as you can see in the image below. So I cut out that section and rejoined the lines.

I did this by adding two lines surrounding the joining.

Then trimming the lines in between.

I then deleted the two lines I added to help surround the area for trimming and then used the line tool to join the part I cut out.

I confirmed that only the section is highlighted when hovering over it.

I then deleted the isolation lines I added and then hovered over the circle to confirm that it is highlighted properly.

A bit tedious to deal with, but almost every SVG I’ve imported has this issue, and this was long before the latest update. I can usually find the breaks easily, it is only sometimes where I have to add those lines to isolate sections to figure out where the break is. And in my case after isolating the section, I have always been able to see the break if I zoom in close enough. It must have been an extremely small break in your case.

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That’s some great (and tedious) detective work, @SimEyeSee! I’ll point the Fusion guys at your post since it may tell them exactly where things are failing.

It is a workaround for sure, though. Thank you for working it through and taking the time to post it all. I’m not commercial or under any time issues so for now I’ll just wait and see. If I start getting impatient, though… :grin:

Ah ok, that’s super common with svg for me that’s why I didn’t adressed it. I just run a line across the zone and see where the break is and correct it. It takes 5 minutes even in complex designs to correct all the broken lines.
Sorry for the misuderstanding. It’s not an issue from the last update for me it has always been that way with some svg.

Thats how i do it on every svg too.

That’s strange. I have had a very few SVG files have issues in Fusion but most import just fine. What I discovered is all the color parts can usually just be deleted.

In a traced bitmap I get multiple outlines - the colors themselves have outlines then their holes in the background have them too. So I delete the color pieces but still have extrudable outlines.

I’ve also gotten a little better at tuning the trace with corner radius, smoothing, etc. Or, I guess I should say that if I was still getting broken traces (and the nodes tend to show how well you do) Fusion was still working with them.

Until the update I was rocking along and had the workflow pretty well sorted for minimal rework being needed. I might need to track down a trouble spot or two but had just gotten things working pretty well.

I don’t think there are breaks in the SVG lines, I think it is an error when converting it to sketch in Fusion. I have brought in vector files converted to SVG, with no breaks in the actual source, but breaks appear after importing in Fusion.