Possible to Build an Half AMS Lite 2Spool Setup?

I own a A1 Mini and A1 with 1 AMS lite. Awesome Printers, super easy to use with my Kiddo.

So i was browsing the parts section for AMS Lite.
If i was to buy:
2x AMS lite Rotary Spool Holder
1x AMS lite Feeder Unit 1 2
1x AMS lite 4-pin Cable
1x AMS lite Mainboard

Could I Technically piece together a Half AMS Lite ?
Will the control Mainboard throw a fit, for not seeing the NFC coils and the missing 3-4 Feeder unit ?
I mainly only need 2 colors on my A1 Mini lack some space, so I was debating on this project but was unsure if the elctronics would throw a fit.


I think it’s a win-win project so to speak. If it works as your intending, then AWESOME! I think it would be super awesome to have only a 2 spool mini lite just for support materials etc.

If your idea doesn’t work, then you have spare parts etc for your existing ams units.


Good Point, Does the AMS lite have parts that are more prone to failure overtime or is it mainly depending on user error ? I see random failures to feed or to recognize, with now distinct patterns of failure points in the forums.

Update and i am excited !!!

I have received my parts.
To my surprise everything plugged together smooth.
BOM so far:
-AMS Lite Board
-AMS Lite Feeder Unit
-AMS Like 4 Pin Connector

I had 1 extra PTFE tubing so I didn’t need to order new tubes.
I didnt care for NFC ID yet at this point, maybe later in the project.

Some interesting things happened when I plugged everything in.

  1. Unit asked to update the AMS Lite Motherboard instantly, started flashing red briefly and finsihed updating.
  2. Went through the menu and loaded up fillament, everything acts normal just my slot 3 and 4 show up as empty
  3. Test Print went smooth.

So next on the to do list is making a Housing for the electronnics and the Feeder to attach to !!!
Time to do lots of prototyping !!! EXCITED !!!

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Interesting project.

Budget wise you’re already at 136€ or something like that , right?

It would probably make more sense to buy a A1 mini combo. The AMS cost 150€ when bought this way.

If you have only one printer you will have a more extensive list of spare parts.

And if you have a second A1 series printer. You could build an extra Mini AMS lite for 62€ (MB and cable).
So in other words 2 Mini AMS lite for 212€. Really interesting :slight_smile:

Yeah price was not my original concern rather than space and then retain features as my second printer in a different location. It can be done cheaper, alot cheaper if you find a used or damaged AMS lite donor system. It will be interesting =)

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