Prime Tower at Layer 1

How do you enable the Prime Tower to start at layer 1?
Before the first filament prints anything useful, I want to purge a bit on the prime tower.

The printer does a purge when starting an AMS print, not on the prime tower, but into the poop hole.

If you want an extra amount of printed material, you could go old school and enable the now often overlooked Skirts, you can set the values to get the “purge a bit” you seek.

It is found in the Others tab in the Global Options.

Thanks. I really like the prime tower. It makes even wet filaments work very well.

I downloaded a profile that starts the print with the prime tower but I was too lazy to comb through the settings to figure out why it worked. I thought someone knows already. :slight_smile:

A model with the prime tower enabled will begin printing it before the model.

I assumed you knew this, which is why it threw me.

You could increase the brim for the prime tower if you want more material out of the nozzle before the hot end gets anywhere near your model.

You can also combine this with the skirt if you wnt even more.

This is not what happens with my profiles. The first layer starts directly with the model and the prime tower is printed at the end of the first layer. I want it to be printed at the beginning.

Have you looked at the Bambu Studio Preview tab and move the bottom layer slider?

It shows the very first thing that should occur is the Prime Tower being started before moving to a model.

It is almost 5:30am here, I am going to try and get some sleep (it is hard in my situation).

I will create a test profile when I wake and my ‘working’ eye can see, this can take a few hours after waking. I will test it before sending and then you can try it at your end.

BTW, what printer(s) are you running?

Remind me if I forget. I want to figure this one out with you.

Thanks a lot! I have a P1P.

I have worked it out, it took far longer than I imagined.

Firstly, my most recent projects all printed the prime tower before the first layer of the model.

I then created a test model with two shapes, one coloured white and the other black.

This failed to create the prime tower before the model.

I added a third shape in yellow, this also failed.

I then revisited my most recent model and it worked the first time.

I duplicated all the settings in a plain-shape project, but it failed.

I was ‘enjoying’ this!

I then realised the difference between the plain and my model profiles was the objects were merged.

I merged the three shapes, that failed.

I then adjusted the heights and boom, it worked.

So, in my tests, I have determined that the way to trigger the prime tower to be printed before the first layer is to have two or more colours in a merged model, with one not being placed on the build plate.

Prime Tower.3mf (28.0 KB)

Have fun.