Print detail not accurate, photos attached. Something has changed!

Photos attached, does anyone know why this is happening? - used to be really accurate (yellow) but now it is being sloppy (luminous yellow)

May be something to do with the last BL update but I do not know for sure.

Have you performed the belt tensioning and rod cleaning maintenance?

Also have you checked to see that the nozzle screws are tight?


This is happening for an A1, I have 2 of them and they are both doing it, I shall check belts though.

My apologies as I did not notice this was posted in the A1 forum.
Here is the belt tensioning wiki for the A1. I would also try rerunning the calibration sequence as well as calibrating pressure advance for the filament.

Are asking about the colour changes ? what filament you using ? and does it change colour naturally ( Temperature Colour Change 3D Print PLA Filaments ) ?

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No, if you look at the quality of the black lines in both pictures. One is a lot sharper than the other. Same filament.

because they are different shapes ? try adding a useful description of the issue

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This is exactly what happened to me after upgrading Bambu Studio yesterday.

Latest Bambu Studio Leaves Gaps in the Part - Bambu Lab Software / Bambu Studio - Bambu Lab Community Forum

Usually people use their eyes. One looks like a rectangle the other one looks like a bone. Move on.

Guess im must of used my eyes to notice the shapes had changed , which would give different looking out comes due to the curves radius and or fillets,

Basically there are 2 photos of the exact same print, one looks good, the other doesn’t - my apologies if I didn’t explain it exactly to your specification. At the end of the day if you can’t offer any help there isn’t much point in posting is there? 2 different printers, exactly the same file, no difference in settings, no difference in filament or temperatures.

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Basically there is two photos of two different prints both will have different

I think my problem is something to do with the K Factor in the flow calibration, the new Bambu update has disabled the K factor for the filament in favour of profiles which had to be created, so I have created them, and it works. So fingers crossed this may work for you also.

Incorrect. Exactly the same G code for both, the flow factor may be the issue.

Is that what is causing this problem? Same corner every time and sometime the rectangle is in different area but same corner

This looks more like adhesion issues than the flow factor.

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Can’t we just close this thread? The OP has resolved their issue, it was the K Factor needed to be calibrated in Flow Calibration.

Feel like at this point there’s just arguments back and forth.

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This problem is related to an incorrect K factor used for the print.
Most of the time, the issue might occur if the calibrated value (ex: 0.025) is incorrectly entered in the slicer (ex: 0.25).

A recommended solution is to perform a new calibration, or manually changing the K factor value to 0.025 as a baseline, before testing again.

More information is presented in this Wiki article: Lines not connected to the printed wall: Causes and Solutions | Bambu Lab Wiki