Print failing due to gab between the nozzle and build plate

I’m experiencing an issue with the X1C where, after bed leveling and beginning a print, there’s a noticeable gap between the nozzle and the bed, resulting in print failures.
This occurs consistently across all plates. Although I’ve done the calibration and succeeded on the first print, subsequent prints encounter the same issue.

Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Check this setting.


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Thank you, @RocketSled.
I understand the settings you mentioned; it’s about the layer heights of the print. However, my problem lies in the fact that when the print begins, the nozzle is too far from the plate, causing the first layer not to adhere properly and resulting in a failed print.

Do you by any chance have QR code check enabled, but failing? There seems to be a problem with that.

Yes I the QR check for the bed is on.

Some parameter in the controller must be screwed up.

How big a gap? If you set the initial layer height to 0, does the gap get smaller?

What do you mean by “done the calibration”? A full calibration? The one that takes like 10+ minutes? Or just “build plate leveling” at the start of the print?

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I was asking if that check fails. There is a reproducible problem with nozzle height after you resume a failed build plate position check (eg. using a third party plate), and the problem goes away if you instead disable the check.

Thanks for the suggestions,
I disabled it I used the textured plate and I made a couple of prints and it seems working.
