Hi guys, looking for some help here. I got my A1 mini about a month ago, coming from a heavily modified Ender 5 Pro. There are two issues I’m having with it though that I haven’t come across during my printing experience.
- I keep having failures after supports. The support prints just fine, but then the figure that it’s supposed to be printing just doesn’t. Eventually it seems to catch up and the rest of the print goes on. I’ve been able to salvage some of these by utilizing the cut feature in the bambu studio and gluing on the missing part, but I’m besides myself as to why I keep having this failure. I’m using Bambu Labs PLA and tree supports. I’ve messed with the spacing and the diameter and the overlap, and nothing seems to really make a difference. Help!
- This is more of an annoyance, but the supports seem to wrap the sides of objects, and not just supporting the bottom of them. This makes it a lot harder to remove from the supports afterwards. Any clue what settings I can mess with to adjust that?
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Are you using specific material for the support?
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What type of support values and support mode are you using?
Screenshot the section if you can.
What orientation are the models?
I’m using the same filament for the support as I am the model.
Here are my current support settings, but I’ve messed around quite a bit without any success. I thought reducing the support branch angle would fix it based off of another thread on here, but it seems like that issue was the supports were failing, while my issue is that the supports are fine, but the model doesn’t print.
For the two golems, they will tilted back at 30 degrees. The gryphon was horizontal. I’ve also failed the golems in a upright position.
Here is the print from overnight. I tried turning off the independent support layers, but otherwise the settings are from above. And here’s a snip of the pathway by the feet and hammer. I just don’t understand what’s going on.
So I continue to struggle with this issue. I have managed to perhaps make some progress by slowing the printer down, but it’s not a 100% solution. After getting a successful print at a slower speed, I went and and printed multiple of the same model. I literally used the clone on Bambu Studio. One of them was successful, one of them failed. I just don’t get it. I’m printing in a closet with the door closed to prevent drafts, and I’m not having issues with adhesion, so I wouldn’t expect that to be the case, but I can’t explain why one failed and one succeeded with the same exact slice.