After the upload to the Printer/SD Card, the file is not shown in the file list on the printers display, unless i remove and insert the SD Card again
“Print Plate” utilizes the cloud service, which lets the printer download the file anyway so i don’t see the point of having it upload to the cloud and download it again when i can send it directly to the printer
First if you print plate it starts the print and you do not have to go to the printer and push the button. That way it would not matter if the file list is updated immediately.
If you are trying to prevent uploading your models to the cloud then you should try running in LAN only mode. That is how I run and it eliminated problems printing when the cloud is down.
I do not understand why you want to send models to the printer and not print them. With the P1P any model that you print is stored on the SD card and printed from the SD card so you get the same result without the extra step.
When you activate lan mode you need to write down the access code it generates.
Log out of your account in Bambu Studio
go to the devices tab and click on “No Printer” in the upper left. It may take a couple tries before it sees your printer. When you select your printer it will open a dialog asking for the access code.
The one requirement is that your printer and computer must be on the same subnet to use LAN only mode. This means the ip address for the printer and the computer must have the first 3 octets of the ip address the same. 192.168.0.nnn for example
Only, that this issue is not ‘remaining’, as in ‘was there befor this update’, but is a NEW introduced issue. I’m on older firmware still and dont have this issue. I can send file to printer with slicer or upload with ftp, go to my printer and the files are there without reinserting sd card or power cicle the printer. I’m in LAN only mode.
I’m facing the same issue after updating to 1.03.00.
After hitting “Send” from Bambu Studio to P1P, the expected behavior would be seeing the .3mf file available on the SD card menu on the P1P’s screen. However, the latest .3mf file would not show up unless 1) power cycling the machine or 2) removing and reinserting the SD card.
Seems like they are aware of this according to the firmware change log. Hopefully it will be fixed soon.