Print head suddenly shifted and making terrible noise

P1S 800 hours. Regular maintenance. Printing a batch of dragons. 4 on the plate. takes up most of it. 9 hours in it suddenly started making a banging and clicking sound. When i checked it was all the way in the back right corner attempting to print. It seems the print head somehow shifted off course. What do I do?

Is it a repeatable problem or a one time fluke? There may have been an error reading the gcode from the SD card?


Hey Jon, yeah so far a one time failure. Next print it was fine but also printed something that is mostly in the middle of the bed. I’ll report back when I try the same dragons but new slice.

I have had a similar issue. Did you check if it was the belt making the noise?

Never figured it out. Once in a while a print file goes haywire so I imagine it just had a glitch of some sort. No evidence of it crashing into something that set it off course so idk.