Print knocked over on top layers

I have a print that fairly consistently gets knocked over while printing the top layers. Never during infill.
I print in Overture PETG and it is only after I switched to a new roll that I started having problems. I have since tried with both a dried and not-dried rolls.

Admittedly the print does not have a lot of contact with the plate (PEI). A brim is very hard to remove with this print, so I do not want to go that route. Especially since it worked fine previously with dozens of prints.

I print 4 objects at a time. I have not tested with just one. Again with the volume I print it would not be ideal to print one at a time.

I have tested on both A1M and P1S. Slower speeds and non-dried roll gives slightly better results.

I have started the process of elimination to figure it out, but it is slow going since I have to wait to get to the top layers. So I figured I would ask here too! :slight_smile:

Probably help to add some pics

It looks like I have it fixed.
I reduced flow rate by .05
And I also reduced the top surface acceleration to 1000

The crosshatch/rectilinear infill is known for making bumps that the nozzle can hit during printing. Other infills like gyroid don’t double up at cross points so are less likely to get hit. Infill has caused some prints to get knocked over.

You don’t mention build plate temp but increasing temp a few degrees with textured PEI helps keep it stuck down too.

My issue was specifically on top layers, not infill, which is why I reached out. There are a lot of info out there on infill.
One of the first things I tried was increasing the build plate temp but I already had it higher for this complex print.
I’m not a fan of always tinkering with the flow rate, but as is often the case, that seems to have been the culprit. The clue was of course switching to a new roll of filament.
Thanks for the suggestions!

A new roll of filament helping might point to filament storage and water absorption?