Print profile (3mf) Make my sign crashes on P1S/X1C - not supported

I just wanted to create a sign (for a trash can: Signs for IKEA HÅLLBAR Trashcan - Hallbar Button Label by 3DJupp - MakerWorld

But: It is not possible to print/cloud slice the 3MF as some portions of necessary information seem to be missing.:
When trying to print it, it will crash twice, on the X and Y axis, if it willing to print, the purge tower is printed half way outside the build plate.

Yes, there is an easy fix, open it in Bambu Studio and slice for the desired layer height and printer. (And remove the purge tower as not necessary in most cases)

I am not 100% sure if it should be possible to allow an direct upload of MakeMySign to Makerworld, but it could be a possible feature on the roadmap.

For now its just me who accidentially tried to upload and print the cloud sliced MakeMySign.gcode.3mf :slight_smile:

What are your thoughts on this

Here are some differences, the rotated build plate image and layer height set.:

And yes, i have read the disclaimer :wink:
But potentially this might be a feature to directly push a sign to MW etc.

P.S.: I am still wating for the possibility to upload templates to MakeMySign as i got plenty ideas for existing formats (Business cards, NFC widgets etc.) :wink:

@3DJupp Thanks for reporting this issue. It should be fixed now. Please download 3mf again from Make My Sign.
We tried the best to export 3mf that can be directly upload to MakerWorld but there are still some corner cases. We will use another ultimate solution to do it later. Hopefully, this can solve the issues.

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Hey, it seems to work now, Makemysign and Makemyvase are working great, thus I recommend to slice it manually!

Working good for now!

I am having the same problem. Each vase that I make are unable to be opened in Bambu Studio. Nor am I able to download the .stl version.
Does anyone know the cause of this?