Print Profile Storage

I’ve been on the Bambu platform for a few months now and I’m noticing I have accumulated quite a list of “user presets” that all seem to be copies of system presets, and many of them have some odd settings. Like for instance the .08 system preset has a layer height of .18mm, where from the name I would have thought it would be .08mm. I think I’m ready to start building my own presets and I don’t want to keep collecting the presets with modified values. And if needed can you open a model in Bambu Studio without opening the attached preset? Lots of questions but I’ll stop there. Feel free to add anything you think would be valuable to know.

If you want to open a model in Bmabu Studio without the settings determined by the designer, click on the drop down menu in the green bar and select “Download STL/CAD Files”. Those are the model files themselves without any settings attached.