Print quality advice

Hi, just printed the poop chute on p1s and you can see about half way up the angled bed the print gets a bit messy. I understand this is classed as overhang and it’s potentially about 45 degrees but was fine to start with so why would it get worse all of a sudden?

I’m using sunlu standard pla of which I have calibrated flow dynamics, flow rate, and max volumetric flow rate of this filament which I have set to 17mm/s.
Nozzle temp 205 degrees and bed temp 55 degrees.
Part fan 100%
Aux fan 70%
Chamber fan 70%
Please see photos.

Whats under that? Do you have a link.
I know nothing, ask my wife, but looks like it does need support. Starts a bit closer to the bottom than maybe you think.

Thinking there’s some sort of support under it until you get to a certain point.

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Hi, there’s no support under any of it it’s completely hollow.
Here’s the link
It’s the first file in the list.