Print stopped early - reports success


I was printing a plate with several items on it to get good color change with a gradient filament I’m trying out. The print job stopped about 50 layers before the end of the print and is reporting success in Handy.

When visually inspecting the print area I see that the top of these pens didn’t complete, and the print head is directly over top of one of them - it didn’t return to the back of the build area like it normally does after a finished job.

I’ve tried to get it to resume the print in bambu studio, and on the screen attached to the printer. Neither case seems to do anything. I don’t see a way to resume the print in Handy.

Have any of you ever seen anything like this before? Anybody know a way to make it just pick up where it left off? I can’t clear the plate, print the remaining bits by sinking the models into the plate and then gluing the pieces together - as these items are pretty fragile and designed to print in place with tight tolerances. I could try editing the gcode manually - but I have zero experience how to read the gcode to be able to try that.

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Also interested in the answer here. I had this problem a while ago, and I just restarted the print