I printed a few clocks and similar mechanisms but I never really bothered with the filament.
PLA for indoor use, PETG for outdoor use.
But both come with their own drawbacks.
I am currently designing a large pendulum clock.
And while some say the clicking sound of a mechanical clock is calming - I don’t agree…
I already, reluctantly I might add, decided to use a few bearings.
With a face of at least 60cm in diameter there just is a need for them
For some small gears and bushings I would like to give TPU95 a try.
But printing a 5mm gear in TPU isn’t really that easy I noticed.
Will have to make them larger and re-calculate the gears…
The largest gear will be about 18cm in diameter and I would really like to keep a slim profile here.
In the past I used Nylon for those large gears but had to make 6mm thick in order to keep them sturdy enough to prevent flexing.
PLA would be ideal but as you probably guessed by the size the thing is meant to run outdoors - in all weather…
Considering in the summer sun we have no issues breaching the 40 degree Celsius mark I wonder what you guys would suggest for gears exposed to rain, wind and all just no freezing temps…