Printer dumps spaghetti in corner of build plate, far from 3D Model

I am printing in Bambu PLA material with interface layers of support material as Bambu PVA and the supports for overhangs set to print in Bambu PLA. I have used the default printing settings for those materials (0.20mm Standard @BBL X1C) other than the modification I explained in the first sentence. My prints are working fine with no bed adhesion issues and I can get great results by the time the print has finished, but there is a small problem that causes prints to halt on their own.

While watching the print I notice that the nozzle will travel to the front left of the plate and dump material in the corner of the build plate for no reason. My wipe tower is in the back right and my model is in the center of the plate. Neither are affected by the dump. The nozzle is correctly using the garbage chute in the back left when cycling between materials and there are no clogs when it purges the material out the back of the unit.

The printer doesn’t build a foundation at the front left, where it dumps material between layers, and it doesn’t dump material at every layer either. The result is freestanding spaghetti that builds up in the front left of the plate, and eventually the AI detection will stop the print and I’ll have to clean out the bed to resume. It prevents a smooth printing experience and slows down the otherwise great efficiency.

Nothing in the front left area of the build plate shows up in the 3D model or the slicer when analyzing the sliced preview of the model in Bambu Studio, so I can’t understand why it’s dumping material there. It’s as if it sometimes purges material to the wrong place instead of the garbage chute, but it actually happens immediately after the garbage tray has been used. There is no layer shift or errors in the print, it’s just wasting material and causing prints to pause.

Has anyone experienced this issue before? It’s a brand new X1E printer and this has happened regularly after about 3 test prints that had no issues. It’s happened with multiple different STL models. The printer is always clean before I start a print. The plate is always clean before I start. I’m using the latest firmware.

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This is exclusion zone for cutting.
It is written in docu.

Some material may fall down there when cutting filament for material change.

You can try using ABS filament, which has higher strength and hardness, and is chemically stable and not easy to deform.