Printer unable to connect to Handy app or slicer, network passes

I’ve researched the issue I am experiencing on the forum and while there are many such similar problems I can’t find a solution that works. I have already created a ticket with Bambu but service is slow right now.

Bambu Handy app and slicer are unable to reach the printer via the cloud. The network test PASSES (connection to router and internet are OK). But the printer reports that there is no internet connection.
-I tried a different router on my home network, same result (no internet connection).
-I tried a factory reset of the printer, same result (no internet connection).
-I used the hotspot on my phone (cellular data connection) and while connected to the hotspot the printer was able to reach the internet properly and the slicer and Bambu handy could reach the printer.

I can put the printer in Lan only mode and the slicer sees is so I can still print.

The hotspot is not a solution. I need to get this working on my home network.

Any ideas?

Same issue here, I have no connection to video in slicer or Handy app, but printer says all is well with network connection, slicer says loading failed-90. Started today, with the latest firmware.Printers alot quieter, but no video. Guessing its a firmware thing, but pretty quiet here, dont see any posts about it…

Must have been some smoke in the wires, I reset all related gismos,printer,etc., and now all works fine. Hope you have the same crazy luck,wish I could be more helpfull

This points directly at your network blocking traffic. That’s where I would look.


That’s what I thought too, so I used a completely different router and the same problem occurred. I also checked out the cable modem settings and I couldn’t find anything that would be blocking it.

Also, this issue happened between successive prints. I printed one thing, and went to print another and couldn’t print because of this. I changed nothing in my home network and it had been working properly for a year. No clue.

Have you seen the wiki for the network ports? Networking isn’t my forte but might check to see if the ports are setup correctly.


Update: I had been on Lan Only mode for a few days so I decided to try the cloud based again. As soon as I turned off Lan Only, there was a firmware update notification, and after installing the update everything works properly again. I can now connect via the Handy app and slicer.

Same here. But even LAN mode does not work for me