Printers should have Crash Detection

See title. Pause the printer if there is a crash detection depending on the activity that is being executed. Prevent bodily injury (even though obviously no one should have their hands or limbs in the printer while operating) and prevent damage to the printer.

I’m pretty sure it does, i tried to grab a stray string on my first day with the machine and i got bonked by the toolhead-

It stopped, and i think i got a message on my phone to fix it- it re homed and finished.

There’s an option on the device screen in studio- something about recovery after lost steps

Unfortunately the bed does not then. I’ve witnessed the bed crashing down on a print that was under it, twisting the bed as a result. It was quite painful to watch unfortunately.

Why was a print under the bed?

It was the fan support print.

My printer didn’t stop when I forgot I had a previous print still on the plate. I just heard a terrible noise and went running only to find it banging the nozzle around against the previous print.


It seems like this could be something they could add as a future enhancement. Bambu does not use limit switches to home X/Y but rather detects the change in the stepper motor when colliding with the frame in a controlled fashion. Might be something they could do to stop if the stepper motor data showed an unexpected change indicating it might have collided with a part.

Luckily I have not had anything crash hard yet to know what if any protection is already built-in. Now where is some solid wood to go knock on…

I don’t think that lowering the power die the motors is an option. The power is needed to accelerate the head quickly. If you reduce the power than you have to reduce the acceleration. Motor stall detection is only possible at low currents (At least it is on the Duet boards).