Printing defect with the x1c

hello everyone, why does my x1c printer have this printing defect? what causes this defect on my prints?


Hello Looker,

Is this a silk filament ?

What Nozzle size ?

Layer Height ?

Can you post all your settings ?

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Hi i think I need change only speed right?
I use silk pla seta

0,4 nozzle

0,2 layer hight

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What was your Max Volumetric speed setting ?

Nozzle Temp ?

Retraction Length ?

I print a lot of silk. Bambu Labs suggests an outer wall speed of 50. I personally find 30 with the temp at 220 works best for brand Ziro Silk and a layer hight of .16.

I suggest the lawyer hight of .16 because IMHO it looks the best on my prints. Same for the 30 with temp of 220. You may find other settings look better for you.

I am still using the stock .4 nozzle but looking to step down to the .2 nozzle. I’m sure the settings will change when I step down in size.

I_Anthony can you take a picture of the setting on bambu studio

Show me setting speed with photo plz

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I think there is a profile for Bambu & Generic Silk but they are not added by default. One of those might get you in the ballpark.

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I’ll try to remember.

Under speed, it’s “outer wall” and BL r com NDA setting that to 50 for silk.

Again, I’ll try to remember to take a pic and post it.

I use this filament Telegram: Contact @stampa3dsconti

ho preso questo filamento su questo canale sconti di telegram per la stampa 3d

I got this filament on this telegram discount channel for 3d printing

I understood the problem was the fast printing on the walls you have to lower the speed

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