Printing fine, suddenly spaghetti

All was fine, suddenly this happened.

Filament eSun PLA+
All settings in accordance with eSun’s recommendations for this printer.
(35°C bed temp, 220 nozzle temp).
I can add that I have printed around 2 kg filament since I started it 4 weeks ago. Mostly all is fine, only problems I have is these kinds of prints with a rather large flat model.
Any suggestions for what is happening here, what the cause might be? I cancelled printing right afterwards.

Environmental conditions have changed? Chamber temp? Humidity?

Did this happen mid-roll, or with a new roll?

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The filament seems to be very soft and not cooling, is your part fan working?

RocketSled and philch,
I live in Norway, very dry air. Conditions have been the same all the time. I only print machine parts for my hobby projects. Plates, tubes, holders and so on. No intricate detailed models. I have learned that to print accurate parts, the temperature has to be kept down. So I do that, 35°C for the plate, and the door left open to boot.
All usually is fine, expect when it come to larger models where the bottom is in contact with the plate. Like the one in the video. The problem has been that the model detaches from the brim, the edges start curling upwards.
So the advice I got was to turn off the Aux fan. And close the door.
Here are the settings, I changed a few default settings, in accordance with the advice from eSun for PLA+ on Bambu X1.
The default settings are in blue color.

And I turned off the fan. That might be the culprit.

what infill you using and have you done bed leveling? Grid sucks on the X1 it hits into it i went to Gyroid infill. you also might want to check your tram and make sure bed is level not the auto bed leveling

You’ll probably see the infill if you watch the video, standard grid.
Maybe the grid is not good, but that ought to be a separate case. It hardly has anything to do with this problem here.

That might be a problem, I tend to skip that, if you mean the initial leveling I can turn on/off by each print.
If you watch the video you will se that it looks like all is fine, until something suddenly happens. What is happening? philch here tings the filament is soft and melting, to me this sounds like a correct observation. Which means it all has something to do with the temperature settings.

To me it looks like you’re printing too fast and the filament is not melting properly. So either slow down or increase the nozzle temp.

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I had the same thought - that the filament wasn’t hot enough to adhere to the layer below.

As Jokerjr said, do not use grid infill! That may be not the only problem, but it doesn’t help. You can get away with it for small areas with some filaments, where the ‘xlines’ are still soft when the head smashes into them when it does the ‘y lines’.

Have you tried printing on other than the cool plate? For my Sunlu PLA+ which has the same recommendations from manufacturer, I print either on Hi-Temp plate or textured PEI at 220°C nozzle and 60°C bed and rarely use brim only on very large models for piece of mind mainly and never had warping with PLA (only ABS is an issue). I don’t own a cool plate so don’t know how it would react though. I print with everything at default BL PLA only reducing volumetric speed a bit and increasing bed temp from 55 to 60C. I print with the printer closed (just because I’m lazy and it works) and no levelling either unless I switch plate. My fans are also at default. Additionnally, I don’t have a lidar to help as I own a P1S…

I don’t see any warping in the video just the missed layer which I think is the first layer above the bridging layer of the grid infil so speed at that point is high but have you increased the speed of bridging that may have not procured a good enough adhesion for this layer to stick? Or is it the bridging layer, I’m not sure. If it is the speed is way too high. I really thing the issue is cooling of the layer and the filament is still too soft. As an experiment, I would keep all your settings and just change plate (increasing the temperature of course) and just make changes one step at a time (turn fans back on default/no brim, then reducing first layer infill, then putting all speeds at default, closing printer ;)) and see what is the culprit. Don’t print the whole model, just stop 2 or 3 layers above where the issue of the video occured.

Back to the part fan: is it really working? Are you sure nothing is preventing it (like a piece of filament inside) from rotating fully.

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Since there is no warping happening here and the layer adhesion issue is actually happening in the middle of the print, I highly doubt it’s an issue with the plate or plate temperature.
I think your settings are too aggressive. I am not sure why eSun would tell you to increase the speed and volumetric flow.
Slower is almost always better.
Have you tried printing the same model with the default speed and volumetric settings?

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the grid pattern if you listen during a print like hits and if it catchs just right can casue build up and cause the same problem in the middle of a print i have a X1c and yes i mean bed leveling the one you can turn off and on and also check Tram

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Wow - I was not aware of this at all. I even had to look up the word tramming, I’ve never heard it before (I am a Norwegian).
I did this on my Creality Ender 5, but though that this was automatically carried out in my X1, LIDAR and all it has onboard…

Thanks so far to all of you, I’ll come back and reply, soon!

FYI, tramming is also done on CNC milling/router machines to address the same issue - make sure that the spindle and gantry are perpendicular and horizontal to the bed. Image below courtesy of Servo Magazine.


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Hello. I have similar issue. Printer is 2 days old. I took it from the box, initialized it, upgraded to latest stable FW. First couple of prints were amazing, without single issue. Suddenly, identical problem as yours occurs. So I tried factory reset, initializing again, issue still persistent. It’s happening with Bambulab filament and Creality filament on textured bed. I did not test other. I’m quite sad, that printer in this price category cannot survive even two days. I already open ticket to Bambulab, but I’m quite sceptic about this.

Is the print not staying adhered?

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Mostly yes. But i was trying small test cube, and after 4th layer it detached. Since i took it from the box two days ago, I printed all kinds of stuff, even two, three colors, no issue. And suddenly, it starts. And whatever I do, there is no improvement.

Have you tried washing the build plate with hot water and dish soap? If you have touched the bed with your fingers it will cause adhesion issues.


Not yet, I will definitely try tomorrow. But even if I print bigger models with wider base and it hold properly on the bed, after few layers it looks like it’s not extruding enough and doing just strings. I would like to attach some pictures with examples to this post, but it’s always giving me error, that I cannot attach picture.

That would be my observation from the video you posted, you are getting under-extrusion and with it loose layer adhesion / detachment. Bed adhesion and/or tramming does not apear to be your problem here.