Printing full colour .3mf files?

Hi Group,
I am thinking about purchasing a bambu labs x1 for a project, however when i try to load a full coloured 3d *.3mf file the colours don’t load in the software an d the parts is just grey??
how can i print a *.3mf file so the colours in the 3d file get printed?

It tries to find suitable color substitutions but if you are running with non Bambu non RFID filament it might not make it. Whenever I’m building a 3mf file and import models, they default to the first color in the first AMS. Is that gray for your setup when you load a 3mf?

But if it can open the 3mf, you can always assign colors. The different parts will be in the Objects tab and you can assign colors out of your own choices whatever they are and even paint colors onto objects that aren’t broken down into different color parts.

But it could be something else too. Without screen grabs to see how your system is set up and what you are trying to do this is just guessing at what might cause you this issue. If this is totally off base, it’s a good example of why you want to supply more details when asking for help. Screen grabs, photos, etc, all help diagnose. If you haven’t already noticed these are complicated things with lots of ways things can go wrong.

…what you state here is very much in contradiction with the next sentence …"I’m thinking about purchasing "=> an intention for a future action, not accomplished yet… with the next statement saying a totally opposite thing

=> “trying to load the 3mf…” => actually stating that the purchase has already been achieved…

I’m confused. Do you happen to do time travel, by any chance?

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Might have just d/l the software to get used to the interface? Don’t need the printer for all the steps before sending it to print.

Added - come to think of it, that might explain only seeing gray.


I’ll start with your second part first

YES (but don’t tell anyone :wink: )

and to avoid confusion in the first part that you pointed out…
I am looking into purchasing the Bambu x1 for a potential project, a supplier offered to do a sample print but could not print s 3d .3mf file which has a full colour texture in it.
They said I have to apply the colours in bambu labs
So I downloaded a free copy of Bambu labs software to see what I could find.

Most likely you’re correct, MZip…however, putting the cart before the horses, does seem to be a strange strategy…

It’s strange to say (as supplier) that you can’t load and print the 3mf. The 3mf file has all the information on the file, including filament type and texture, filaments colors, everything and more. If the 3mf file comes from a bambu machine (no matter which one), then any bambu machine should be able to adequately load and print it exactly as it was intended.

Hi thankyou for your reply
I have only just download the bambu software to have a pre-purchase play.
So at this point I have very limited knowledge of the software use.
I was offered a sample print from the printer supplier but they have said they can’t print the colours of a.3mf file and that I would need to add colours in the Bambu studio.
However whilst I have figured out how to do this, it is not the greatest colouring software, and from what I see the colour system is for more “cartoon” like models adds opposed to more realistic coloured prints.
Or like a sample I have seen of a NIKE trainers with clear coloured sections.
Is it actually possible to take a rendered 3d .3mf model where the colours applied are textures and then have bambu x1 print them as colours?

But you need to know how big the cart is and what it can do and the load it can carry etc., before you choose your horses don’t you??

The 3mf file is from a 3d cad design package.
Not a printer.
Designs normally start in software before printers

…or simply select the type and size of your
cart according to the size and strength of your horses

But I know what I want, I’m am looking for a way to do it.

Then it makes sense. You have the required info in the 3mf file, the only thing left for you to add are the colors you want.

Painting is just one of the methods to apply multicolor in Studio.
You can change the filament by layer (after slicing, right click on the layer), or, and this the really interesting item, use modifiers. So you could have the design of a shoe, import a logo as a 3d modfier and the apply a different filament only to the modifier. Text works similarly.
Beware that it takes a bit of trial and (more) error.

So using some time travel and going back to the original question.,

You could try in Studio to pick up colors but without a printer + AMS connected , I don’t think it will work.

Is it possible to print a 3d cad file with coloured textures like this?

it is, provided you have the right filament colors in your AMS and these are correctly set-up in your project tab in Studio

I’ve never used the paint feature in Studio so can’t really help with that. I break parts that are to be different colors out as their own parts to where color is assigned to each part individually and the model either gets printed in pieces that get assembled or as a single part where the printer does filament changes as needed.

But just in case you’re looking for actual full color prints, check out lithophanes and hueforge prints. Both of those are “full color” and the printer does lots of filament color changes. If those are what you are thinking of there are tutorials on both on how you build them.

But ultimately whatever you want to print, you should be able to build a 3mf that the print shop can print for you. You just need to know what filaments they stock and print with. With a printer the filament compliment gets refreshed from the printer’s AMS (if equipped). Without you have to build the list manually using drop down menus.

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Well, the P1’s and X1’s can do up to 16 colors but no (controlled) color mixing. So if you get/make the 3mf with say 3 colors (black, grey, orange) then yes, it can be done. For the shape, you may want to add a 4th color for the support interface.

You’ll only get above 4 colors for the A1’s or 16 for the P1’s/X1’s (4 AMS required) with the CYMK bundle on lithopanes but that requires simple shapes (flat, lampshade, globe) and backlighting.