Printing text 2 colors

what i want
i prefer to do the text in studio it self, but i can also use a extra stl.

also it needs te be only the wrinting on the object. so i believe negative options.

so i have the tekst MSXFLASH
then from top to bottom i want half in pink and the other half in green.

how can i do that , thank you.

it does not need to have a fading.

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Hi @msxflash

Welcome to the forum,
I didn’t understand every detail of what you want, so it may be incorrect:

If you can share:

  • For the plate: diameter, height and colour;
  • For the text: font, colour, size, placement (whatever it is helpful to replicate)

One can tell you how to make it or even provide the 3mf file.

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i understand ,

what i want is that word msxflash, i want it in pink and green.
ill draw it. because i can share the stl, but i dont think it mathers. for the question.

it does need this format, so i can do the text option in studio, and then do the 2 colors, is enough for me. all will be flat so the 3d you see in the logo will not be.

i want to this with the filament, but only 2 colors the fade is not needed afcourse.

msx flash munt.3mf (98,8 KB)
im not sure if the stl is also in the upload now.

This isn’t something you can do on a horizontal surface that is against the bed if the part is thick. If the part is thinner and lit from the back you may be able to use a HueForge technique. This isn’t something you can currently do it Bambu Studio.

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As @JonRaymond, you will be better with specific software such as HueForge.
If not faded and considering your text is in an STL file, what would you do:

  1. split the stl in two;
  2. define the top of the text as pink and the bottom as green;

Indeed, it isn’t the optimum you may be looking for.

PS: It didn’t work in your file, as it already merged and was detailed for the modifiers, and I would likely mess it up by splitting.

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I was afrsid of that

But i have an answer now

Splitting i was also thinking is the only way

Also we are fixed to the bambu studio.
Other slicer we cannot use

Unless i use the gcode afcourse

Ill think i gonna split.
Its my logo so i have no other option hihi

Thanks for the info.

You´re welcome.

If you want to do some experiments, there are a few green-pink dual filaments in the market. I don’t know if it will work because of the text size, but you could get even the faded effect.

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It’ll work a bit differently on top/bottom surfaces and depending on the orientation of the filament in the heating chamber/nozzle.
If it is nicely split like in your picture (which in my experience is the case for ~95% of the lines, albeit always at some kind of angle), lines printed from left to right will appear mainly red on the top surface, lines printed from right to left will appear mainly green. Inverse on the bottom surface.

I do not have any experience with it, and I am just trying to imagine what I would test if I were in your shoes.

Another option, but would require extra work, is to “weld” both colours. The challenges are to get the proper length for each colour and ensure that the g-code is correct (i.e. print in the correct order and do not jump from one part to another).

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in CAD, wrote the complete text (msxflash) and make it 0,08mm high.
then make a frame over the half text and cut it 0,04mm down.
in bambo studio u can colour it now in two different colours.
this hight is to less in hight for an extra 0,4mm layer hight and it is all in the same layer.=height=surface. :wink:

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yes that is the option.
to cut it in the middle.

i was also think that, but im trying a simple solution

i think splitting the object is the easy way. to bad
the software itself cannot do this.

because its not the weird i want this? i think.