Printing stops mid print on the first layer. All it says is the picture below, printing was cancelled. Just printed the same file just fine.
Any suggestions
Printing stops mid print on the first layer. All it says is the picture below, printing was cancelled. Just printed the same file just fine.
Any suggestions
Are you running any home automation scripts that interface with your printer?
I found the code, but not the answer.
Thanks for attempting to help lol
I’m not. I did update firmware and the software in hopes to see if that will help
Anyone have any idea what this error is/means? I am not running anything special. Printing just stops.
Getting this almost constantly on a few printers we are running (we have 26 total) and we cannot figure it out.
Только что столкнулся с той же проблемой. Решил! CD-карта была забита под завязку!!! Достал новую CD поставил и все заработало отлично! Как вариант, можно переформатировать ту, что стоит в бамбу, если она исправная.