Prints suddenly turned very bad (solved)

Suddenly when I printed a benchy, it turned out very bad. I tried all I could think of, including:

  • Switch filaments (PLA)
  • Switch hotend assembly
  • Tighten all screws on the toolhead
  • Disassemble and clean the extruder of dust
  • Clean carbon rods. Clean and lubricate Z screws.
  • Belt tensioning
  • Calibration from the interface on the printer

None of the above had any effect. I believed that if I printed the built-in benchy from the printer, then Bambu Studio would not affect it. This assumption was wrong.

Root cause: I had mis-typed the K value in the Device tab in Bambu Studio. It was missing a zero.

Hope this helps someone.

Request: I think the K value should be included with the filament settings profiles. It’s easy to miss changing both the K value and the filament profile when switching filaments, or as in this case: type the wrong K value. I also have to keep separate notes on what K values each filament should have, which is cumbersome.


Use orcaslicer, it is on filament settings… or not… greyed-out on mine.

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I think Bambu made a mistake by separating K values (pressure advance) from the other filament settings. It might be better for cloud-sliced Makerworld prints, but it’s not convenient for normal use.

If you set your K values in OrcaSlicer and save them as part of a User Preset, the preset will sync with Studio. Even though Studio does not show a pressure advance setting in the filament preset, it will use the value in the preset and include it in the gcode sent to the printer, overriding whatever is on the Device tab.

Interesting, I haven’t tried Orca yet. It seems unfortunate that Bambu made this change, I’m sure any technical reason could be overcome. It’s truly a hassle as it is right now.