Problem with Non-Selected Object Expanding

I hope the picture will speak for the problem. I want to quickly remove the bottom half by adding a primitive cube and then doing a Boolean difference. As you can see I have only selected the primitive cube. When I tried to change the X, the first object moved up off the plate. I try hard not to use the mouse because too often the primitive part will shoot off the plate.

Any help is appreciated.


If I understand correctly it may be easier to cut the bottom off by simply moving the part down in Z.

To lower the model in Z height use the “Move” button on the top toolbar or press “M” for the keyboard shortcut.

Then drag the blue arrow down or key in the height you want.


Thank you!. I have had so much trouble with my mouse, I simply entered negative values in the “X” box to move it. Worked great, thank you! Had no idea you could remove a part by placing it below the plate.
This model may be just weird, or I just have a whole lot to learn. I was able to remove the bottom using Boolean, but when I sliced the plate, the model disappeared. But for now, I have what I need to test before printing the whole model. Thanks again!

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