Problems after software updates

So I have had the X1 for a few months now. It has been working great for the most part. A few minor fixes here and there but nothing to annoying. Last week I updated bambu studio to and the printer firmware to Ever since the upgrade things have gone awry.

I started have spaghetti issues on the second or third layer. I think I fixed this with an increase in nozzle temperature and retraction distance increase.

The other problem I am having is a bit more perplexing. When I updated I was in the middle of a bit of trial and error with a part I was making. I updated in between two prints of the same part. I noticed right away that the supports were way, way thicker than in the previous runs. Prior to the update I could simply grab the supports and yank them out (it was a big hollow semicircle). After the updates I could not budge them at all. It seemed that the support thickness was increased by quite a bit and the design was such that it kind of unraveled in one long piece.

Now, on other designs the supports cling to the design and make it tough to clean from delicate parts.

I don’t see in bambu studio where to adjust the thickness of the support just some spacing. What am I missing? How do I go back to a more “delicate” support?

Welcome to the forum.

I might suggest trying a full factory reset first, followed by a full calibration. This seems to often fix odd issues after a firmware upgrade.