Problems With Bambu Lab Refill Rolls

This is about bambu filament not working in a bambu system. But thanks for your input I guess? It was very helpful

Some of us see a problem and complain.
Others see a problem and find a solution.


I have had 2 rolls that have unwound themselves from the back end off the reel, causeing major issues.

You mean, watch your machines so you can snip the filament before the tape gets sucked into the AMS or stops your print until you fix it so it can “auto-load” the next spool?

What would be your solution to this?

My view is, I pay for something I expect it to work.

It isn’t my job to fix something that doesn’t work.

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Same here for refills, we are trying to be environmentally aware and reuse empty spools but I won’t buy them at home anymore and I instructed our purchasing not to buy refills until this issue is resolved. Tape is one big issue but they are also so poorly winded, I Had print jobs stuck just by dug in filament in very loose spool. Come on! BambuLab! You drop the ball on this one! I know you got very busy but your quality issues are not going unnoticed.

So I see I’m not the only one, nothing but issues with the recent delivery. Sounds like a company that cannot handle the demand. What’s the consensus on a replacement brand of filament

I use Overture. Not had a single problem with tape (as they don’t use it) or badly wound spools.
Is it a refill spool?

I had a similar issue with the BBL White PLA having the gap, which caused a tangle. The taped end on the cardboard caused the AMS lite to get stuck near the end. I had hoped that buying OEM filament and running it on the AMS would make run outs a non-issue.

Looks like someone else was tired of the tape issue and built a solution. I’m going to have to give it a shot…

Look on makerworld for AMS Saver Snag Cutter by Hexavalent