Product Suggestion - Longer 4 Pin Bus Cable

Great suggestion. I’ll try this next time.

This is really great info in this thread. Soaking it up. But one thing that does not add up… Bambu would not buy made up cables that were pinned wrong just to resell them. So, bottom line, this looks like a duck but it’s not the duck. There must be either another company as their source that’s selling this cable with different pin out, or a different cable with same connectors.

How can we find another cable here with this connector that likely would be a different pin out?

And anyone seen the 6-pin cable and maybe some cute accessories or sidekicks for those?

I have one of the Mouser Molext 4 pin cables. Its got a molded connector. And try as I could, even with the help of my automotive pin extractors, I could not get the pins out. I am afraid this is a dead end, unless willing to replace the plastic connector.

I did find an alternative fix though. I found a guy on etsy Joshua Cunningham that sells a 4 pin extension cable and ordered it. Got it today, checked its pin out, simply a straight-thru cable. People mentioned concerns about length of another cable presenting a frequency or signal drop problem. I have seen no problems. Been printing all day with it. He’s reasonably priced too. Shipping my be less/more to you, so I won’t say what I spent.

yeah passthrus of any sort will work as the pin change has already happened on the existing cable

you can get them easily enough from aliexpress

I think from readying this to end, this issue has been solved.

We know the cables we get from Allied or Mouser don’t have the right pin out. So, we will need to cut the cable, add new pins and connector, or cut the cable and swap some wires.

But I found an easier way. I only wanted 3+ more inches. But more would be better.
I ordered the 4 Pin cable for the A1 and its more than 12+ long. Work perfect.

Thanks for this, ordered the cable and just tried it to my dismay. Glad a simple bit of soldering will fix it, pinecil time!

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So just to confirm, the 4 pin AMS lite cable has the correct pin out for the AMS buffer on the X1/P1?

I’d also like to know if you confirmed this working

@user_204397059 I can confirm that the amslite cable seems to work with the X1 so assuming it should work with the P1 as well.

Yes, I purchased it and it does work well on the P1S :+1:

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I bought the following cable and it works together with the original cable without any problems. With Magnetic ring

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