💡 Provide libraries for openscad

I like the parametric approch with openscad a lot and hope that we see a lot of improvements there.

It would be great if some/most/all openscad libraries from


could be used to create parametric parts.

For me BOSL2 and RoundAnything would be very helpfull.

Also it would be nice to have some kind of documentation how parameters can be defined and grouped.


/* [Component Type] */

type                            = "bolt";//[nut,bolt,rod,washer]

/* [Bolt and Rod Options] */
//Head type - Hex, Socket Cap, Button Socket Cap or Countersunk Socket Cap (ignored for Rod)
head_type                       = "hex";//[hex,socket,button,countersunk]

which is a section from NUT JOB | Nut, Bolt, Washer and Threaded Rod Factory by mike_mattala - MakerWorld

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Provided their respective licences allow, you can include them with own code.

This way, if someone chooses to download your files, they are able to use your code without them having to work out why it broke,