Sometimes I see people post about this or that stripped out screw. Seems to happen a lot with the filament cutter arm. I’ll cut (pun intended) to the chase. Cheap allen keys are cheap, and I’m sorry Bambu, but the ones included with your printers aren’t any better. I’ve got to the point where I throw away any included allen wrenches with anything I purchase.
For your printer, I think it’s worth investing in a quality set of allen wrenches. I personally recommend wera. I’ve managed to use their drivers to actually get screws out that were stripped by other allen wrenches. The smaller sizes in general just hold up way better than your cheap throw in allen wrenches that are made of butter.
I want ya’ll to have a great time out there, and for any fixes to go smoothly, so decided to make this PSA to say hey, get some quality tools! You spent as much for the printer, you can afford to spend another 10-20 on a set of allen drivers that’ll last you probably longer than the printer.
If you have some high quality tool recommendations you’d like you share, you should! I have my favorites, but they aren’t the only ones.
You know, that makes me consider. Thinking bout the Town Hall thread. A community recommended tool kit and spare part setup for new users, for a given printer, could be helpful. That’s kind of a common question I see… got the printer, what else should I get.
off and the seem to be alright. I tend to go through this sort of snips regularly so 10 will hopefully last me at least a year or so . With no S&H involved, they come out to $1.60 ea.