Public Beta 1.7.0

Downloaded the public beta of 1.7.0 since it merges in some of the Orca Slicer things I like, plus adds some new abilities. But, most of the new abilities I was interested in testing require the 1.06.x firmware and I am on the latest release

Is there a process to getting the newer firmware for testing?


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I downloaded it first thing this morning, after an hour I was back at the older version.
My built in P1P camera works ok ish in the current release, but not at all in the Beta, and it kept crashing

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I using it without issue on the X1C on three different PCs.

you can join the Beta for firmware here:

The link was removed from that post and the round of selections was closed. Cannot find anywhere else to sign up so no way to test the new firmware-dependent features.

sorry didnt notice that the beta was already closed. guess you need to wait a few days until the official release.

My favorite part is that they say not to use textured PEI plate and then the pictures on the wiki show that they do exactly that…


Does the auto calibration work on the textured plate then?

It doesn’t. The picture has been replaced since.

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