Punishments for uploading irrelevant entries into Contests

Hi all,
We’ve received over 300 reports in the past 12 hours and have been working on them tirelessly to resolve your reports. We would like to express our deep appreciation for your passionate monitoring and understand that most of you are essential building blocks for our growing community. However, there are several reoccurring issues that we hope are honest mistakes, and we will use this chance to address some of the behaviors while answering some of your questions.

  • We understand that since there were no notice upfront for this rule to be applied, some buffering period is necessary. So for reports about past violations and violations up until Mar 15, the models will be removed from the contest page but no points will be deducted. Starting from Mar.16, we will begin points deduction for all models identified as violations.

  • This rule will be added to the Contest Rule Page in future contests.

  • If you believe that your model was falsely removed, let us know through a ticket and offer your reasons. If you accidentally enter the wrong contest, the simplest way is to re-upload the model and enter the correct contest.

We would also like to point out that we’ve received numerous reports about models that clearly fulfills the contest themes, some even competitive for winning awards. Though some might be honest mistakes, we have to protect the innocent models from false accusations.
Therefore, we recommend to provide the following information in your report to increase the efficiency and accuracy of our procedures.

  1. The specific contest you believe this model is irrelevant to.

  2. The reason you believe why this model is irrelevant.

  3. If we identify a user as deliberately reporting innocent models that fulfill contest themes, there will be consequences for repeated offenders.

We appreciate all the support and love we are getting, and we truly cherish your help in building a better MakerWorld.

The MakerWorld Team