Purge Shute Backingup multi-times per print

So, i’ve been trying to print a complex object with multiple filament changes. Printing at 0.12mm and 0.08mm. I’ve gotten multiple pauses as a result of excess filament getting stuck in the purge chute. Is there a fix for this or recommendation? it sucks to have to have a 20hour print take an extra 10hours while sitting idle waiting for me to clear the blockage. To be clear: the filament is not being piled up in the back and has no where to go, but is instead not making it past the “trap door” on a consistent basis and back up right where the nozzle sits

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Had the exact problem,after printing this fix from printables.com , it never happened again.

Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Poop Chute Door Top Extension Bambulab


I think sven45 means this link Bambu Lab X1 Carbon Poop Chute Door Top Extension Bambulab by Spot | Download free STL model | Printables.com

I have used it also and not had a single issue since installing it.


Thank you and @sven45 ! That makes alot of sense and will be my bext upgrade. Thanks again!

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I had this problem also. I finally changed the filament cutter blade in my X1C and the problem went away. Perhaps lack of a clean cut left strings to get caught on something. I can’t guarantee a fix but give it a try. I understand we are supposed to change the cutter blade after every 2 or 3 spools of filament anyway.

where did you read that the clipper is supposed to be changed every 2-3 spools? isn’t this something that the printer itself can track? it already tracks operating time to tell you when to lubricate the lead screws, why can’t they add an additional message for this?

Looks like the real answer from Bambu Lab is 10 to 15 spools…see help files
"This guide should be used if there are problem with filament cutting, or when the filament cutter blade gets dull. The sharpness of the blade can become worse over time.
We recommend replacing the filament cutter every 10-15 spools of filament used (or quicker) to ensure the cutting performance is unaffected. "